Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Singapore keen to catch up with China on digital payments

Just last week, I had an interesting conversation over dinner with a couple of my Lean In Singapore Women In Tech team members on the developments made in payments in the respective countries we hail from (one is from Australia, another from China, I'm from India).

We spoke of the massive leaps made in developing markets such as China, India and parts of Africa that have left developed countries far behind in how payments get done. My friend from China spoke about the exact thing that Singapore's PM Lee Hsien Loong stated in his National Day Rally speech on Sunday - that Chinese tourists would consider Singapore backward for still doing things the old way!

China has seen an astounding spread with cashless payments. To the extent that China has now reached a stage where the government has to remind merchants and payment providers that cash is still a valid payment option! 

#mobilepayment #cashlesspayment #China #India #Singapore #payments #Alipay

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